They are more the stage on which the film was set. Although the title suggests otherwise, this film is not about the inquisition and its inquisitors. In this essay, I will discuss the short film The Grand Inquisitor that was made for the Open University and based on the chapter of the same name from Dostoevsky's book The Brothers Karamazov. Benedictine Centre for Liturgical Studies.

The Inquisition in Film The Inquisition in Film.The Inquisition in History The Inquisition in History.Imagining the Inquisition Imagining the Inquisition.Radboud Prestige Lectures Radboud Prestige Lectures.Participatiesamenleving en christelijk sociaal denken.Public Lectures hosted by Radboud Reflects.Center for Catholic Studies Center for Catholic Studies.Available grants and scholarships for Theology.Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies.